
Top 10 List of Week 01

  1. VirtualBox CLI
    If we can code from our terminal with vi/vim, why can’t we open the VirtualBox from the terminal?. This guide helps you understand the basics of VBoxManage CLI for the VirtualBox.

  2. Invoking Expression from Powershell
    I know opening your VirtualBox with mouse can be tiresome. You can create system Environment Variables for VirtualBoxManage.exe and then Invoke that environment variables by reading tutorial above.

  3. Linux Commands Cheat Sheet
    Some of us aren’t so good at memorizing things we don’t usually use. You can have this cheat sheet and make yourself comfortable with GNU/Linux commands.

  4. wedus UI
    Did you feel mirroring service is too far from your home?. KAMBING.ui.ac.id is a mirror of F/OSS (Free/Open Source Software) from Universitas Indonesia for the community in Indonesia.

  5. Regex Cheat Sheet
    Reciting RegEx commands can be painful for beginner. This cheat sheet should accelerate your learning curve.

  6. Vim, the enhanced Vi
    Learning text editor like Vi and Vim have steep learning curve. That link can guide you to learn Vim for the last time (although i’m not very sure about that lol).

  7. Still not too confident using grep, awk, and sed? try this
    Community from the famous unix stackexchange got that covered for you.

  8. List of 20 “fun” Linux Commands
    We already learn some basics Linux Commands, why don’t we have some fun commands? xD.

  9. Bored of VirtualBox? try Docker
    Why are you using VirtualBox if you are familiar enough with Docker? lol.

  10. Docker isn’t too challenging for you? utilize the Windows Hyper-V!
    Hyper-V allows you to create your own Virtual Machine with Type 1 Hypervisor (directly to hardware), instead of Type 2 Hypervisor (on top of the Windows OS). Sadly, this only can be done if you have Windows 10 Pro (Credits to DZ for this tips).