
Top 10 Interesting Link of Week 07

  1. Critical Section Problem
    Silberschatz on his book’s addresses this problem as one of the introduction to the Process Synchronization. I think it’s worth reading to understand all this concepts further.

  2. Peterson’s Algorithm
    Peterson’s Algorithm used to synchronize two processes using two variables, a bool array flaf and an int variable. Well, this article gives better explanation than me.

  3. Semaphores - Avoiding a Train Wreck
    Semaphores are one of the available tool of synchronization by Dijkstra. There are several version of semaphores, stay tune to the article to know more about semaphores!.

  4. Dining Philosopher Problem using Semaphore
    If article before are to hard to understand, then this GFG article can give visual representation of the problem + solution using semaphores.

  5. Resource Allocation Graph
    A must read article to understand process deadlock, starvation, etc. This article gives us basic concepts about the graphthat frequently used to represent process.

  6. Difference between Deadlock and Starvation
    Deadlock and Starvation are similiar at the outside, but actually different on the inside. Again, GFG come as a savior in the form of easy to chew article :D.

  7. Banker’s algorithm
    Because OS tend to ignore and pretend deadlock never happens, so OS need to avoid it and allocate resource safely. Banker’s algorithm is a way to go.

  8. Priority Inversion Problem
    Ever heard of Mars Pathfinder Procrasinating on Mars? That’s because that robot suffer from Priority Inversion Problem even robot suffer from procrasination just like us.

  9. OS Deadlock Detection and Recovery
    OS doesn’t apply any mechanism to avoid or prevent the deadlocks. Therefore the system considers that the deadlock will definitely occur. In order to get rid of deadlocks, The OS periodically checks the system for any deadlock.

  10. What are atomic operations for newbies?
    Is it atom for atom in the universe or atom for greek word “atomos”? In concurrent programming it means that there will be no context switch during it - nothing can affect the execution of atomic command.